Seeking placement into a long-term care facility is often a difficult decision. Many times a family wants to be prepared for future needs. Placement can be temporary as a resident builds up physical strength for independent living or at times seeking long-term placement. We at the Sanilac Medical Care Facility will make every effort to make this process go as smoothly as possible.

Personal Items
All resident’s personal items should go directly to the SMCF Laundry Department to be clearly labeled with their name upon admission. Clothing will be marked in an inconspicuous place. Unmarked items make it impossible to identify ownership and proper labeling will assure that your family member’s items remain safe with them. Personal television sets are allowed and are properly set up by our Maintenance Department.
Personal Items
All resident’s personal items should go directly to the SMCF Laundry Department to be clearly labeled with their name upon admission. Clothing will be marked in an inconspicuous place. Unmarked items make it impossible to identify ownership and proper labeling will assure that your family member’s items remain safe with them. Personal television sets are allowed and are properly set up by our Maintenance Department.
Contact Admissions
Melissa Rosser
Admissions Coordinator
PH-810-269-7547, FX-810-891-1145
Placement Procedure Information
An admission form must be completed by the resident or authorized person acting on behalf of the potential resident and submitted for review. You may pick this form up in person from the Admission Clerk or call and ask for on to be mailed or faxed to you.
When a resident is admitted the following articles are required:
A completed transfer form prepared by the transferring facility shall accompany the resident. The transfer form provides the facility current information and assist with a smooth transfer.
Copies of insurance cards (Medicare, Medicaid, BC/BS, AARP, etc.)
Copy of Social Security Card
Copies of Power of Attorney or Guardianship papers